New Podcast Episode(In German): Turning the Feeling of Failure into Opportunity.Listen Now!


Four-eyes principle in practice

About Struss & Claussen

Founded in 2003, Struss & Claussen Personal Development (formerly Struss und Partner) is one of Germany's leading career consultancies with around 20 employees. The basis of our holistic study and career counseling is a comprehensive personality analysis based on personnel psychology and aptitude diagnostics. From this, we derive concrete recommendations on how our clients can develop their individual potential professionally and grow personally. After all, this is the prerequisite for an all-round fulfilling job and life. 

The reputation of the high quality standards we set for our work precedes Struss & Claussen: Our clients come from the entire DACH region and international countries. With our experience in personality and organizational psychology, we support not only private individuals of all ages, but also companies and institutional clients in their personnel development. Services such as individual coaching for specialists and executives, workshops for teams and groups as well as impulse lectures round off the Struss & Claussen portfolio.

Stories from the field

Find out in the Struss & Claussen magazine how young people experience their consulting day with us, how a woman finds a profession she has never heard of before, and how we implement projects for business customers.

Read magazine


Opportunities to realign oneself await at every stage of life. At Struss & Claussen, we see them as opportunities to shape life in the future in a way that suits one's own personality. The challenge is to "un-evolve" oneself in the literal sense: to free oneself from mental restrictions and personal entanglements in order to penetrate to that which fulfills at the core.

How we approach our consulting can be described in three principles:

1. Diagnostic and empathic: We rely on a portfolio of test procedures that we are constantly developing. The breadth and depth of diagnostics distinguishes us. At the same time, we use the tests only as a support. Intensive personal interviews are used to interpret and classify the results. No test procedure alone can capture an individual's view of career, happiness and fulfillment.

2. Unbiased: In order to advise as uninfluenced as possible, clients should not reveal their own ideas for their career path. In addition, each advisor discusses the client's results and impressions in detail with a senior advisor so that all options can be incorporated without bias. Thanks to the size of our team, the four-eyes principle is lived practice and an essential feature of our service.

3. Value-free: Our recommendations are not based on what is prestigious, in demand or popular. We are guided only by what corresponds to the personality of our clients. That's why we look at all industries and professions without any evaluation solely from the perspective of personal fit for our customers.

Numbers & facts


Ragnhild Struss founded the company that she co-manages with Johann Claussen.


colleagues make up our team.


of our clients leave our sessions more motivated than they were before. *

Our motto: “Strengthen strengths and continually grow”

96 %

of our clients would recommend us.*

2 out of 3

clients state that the consultation has exceeded their expectations.*

97 %

of our clients state that the day was helpful for them.*

* Customer survey (2018)

Our team

The hallmarks of our team are their empathy, knowledge of human nature, their analytical minds and their intellectual curiosity. Clients can sense and experience these qualities in their personal consultant during their session. Behind every consultant is a whole team that takes great pleasure in working to make your consultation a special experience – from our first phone call with you, welcoming you to our offices, guiding you through your day of consultation up until you take your folder of recommendations home with you.

Tippen Sie auf ein Bild, um mehr über die Person zu erfahren.

Our commitment

Furtherin your career

Since 2011 Struss & Claussen has been training people in office communication. We see this as a chance to pass on knowledge and maintain close contact with young people who – just like our clients – are about to make their leap into the working world.

In addition to school students, university students and graduates, Struss & Claussen also consults clients with work experience who want to re-orient themselves or re-enter the work force after being a stay-at-home parent. How these clients feel is something that our colleagues know first-hand: our team has a total number of 8 children. These are 8 reasons for Struss & Claussen to allow ample space for personal and professional change. Through flexible working hours and employment models we not only encourage parents to re-enter the work force but also to take the opportunity to put energy into other activities e.g. social initiatives, further training or other work projects – it’s a win-win situation.

Icon: Step up!

Step up! Career Paths

Career counseling with Struss & Claussen is a service that has a price. To give socially disadvantaged young people from educationally remote or low-income earning families the opportunity to use these services, Struss & Claussen started the project “Step up! Career Paths”. Step up! awards career scholarships to school students from the 10th grade onwards. The scholarship includes a detailed analysis of their potential, extensive job application training and contact with a personal mentor from their chosen field. All free of charge.

Why is it registered as its own association? Step up! is an expression of corporate responsibility. Struss and Partner’s founder Ragnhild Struss knows from first-hand experience just how far assistance can go. Now it’s her turn to give back – her knowledge and her expertise in individual career paths.

Visit the Step up! website for more info

Icon: Deutschland Land der Ideen

Land of Ideas

Step up! was awarded the prize “Landmarks in the Land of Ideas 2012“ by the initiative “Germany – Land of Ideas”. The “landmarks” stand for creativity, passion and ingenuity. They make the innovative power of Germany real. We were proud to receive this award and took it as an incentive to make even more of our scholarship.

Visit the Land of Ideas website

Hamburg Institutions

In addition to our own project Step up! we support institutions and projects that are committed to disadvantaged young people and persons with disabilities and serious illnesses. We show support by providing content for seminars and workshops and in part, by providing personnel and financial support.