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Understand and develop your own personality

in life and on the job

Career counseling for professionals

Happy on the job? According to surveys, most employees can only shake their heads. Because the job doesn't match their skills and interests, or doesn't offer any prospects, or is unattractive financially or in terms of time. Because appreciation and recognition are lacking. However, job dissatisfaction is not the only driver for change. Sometimes life simply gets in the way. For example, people who take care of their children, take time off or care for relatives often look at their job differently afterwards and want to plan their future differently.

It's not about the job alone, but about an all-around fulfilling life plan in which work finds the right place. The term "professional life" makes it clear: professional and personal development take place simultaneously. Decisions are interdependent and a question of the right focus at the right time. 

Our one-day career counseling supports you in developing options that match your potential, values and desires in the current situation. Your individual initial question provides the focus: Where do my strengths and talents lie? Where are they in demand? What opportunities are available? With our holistic approach, we can address every job and life situation. As a result, no two consultations are the same, but each one is tailored to your goals. However, the claim is always the same: to determine the position that will positively support your personal self-development and development.

Consulting services

  • Consulting for career change or advancement

    Consulting on change and advancement

    The first years in professional life are a time between ambition and fulfillment, but also accompanied by questions: Am I good at what I do? Do I want to work like this - now and in the future? How can I continue to develop and advance?

    The individual career path is still long and offers many opportunities to change routes or take shortcuts. In consulting at Struss & Claussen, we take a look at your personal road map and find out the best way to reach your goal. 

    A routine consulting session

    Photo: Professional during consultation
  • Consulting for realignment

    Even in the middle of life and after a few years of professional experience, one's own development does not stand still. That's why more and more people in this phase allow themselves to conduct a location analysis, pause once again and instead of "Keep it up!" to make room for alternatives.

    With an individual analysis of your current situation, Struss & Claussen makes your personality the starting point for considering where your next steps can take you. Concretely for your career, in harmony with all areas of life.  

    A routine consulting session

    Foto: Professional in conversation with consultant
  • Job Crafting Consulting

    Why go far afield: Often, the current work environment offers more opportunities than many realize. Content and structures can be changed in such a way that they optimally fit the individual personality. The method of job crafting helps you to redesign your old job. 

    Struss & Claussen accompanies you in a structured procedure through the individual steps of your job crafting process - from the location analysis to the requirements profile. So that the job you have becomes the job you like.

    A routine consulting session

    Photo: Consultant presenting the results on a flipchart

A routine career counseling session

Initial meeting on the phone

Finding your way to us starts with a phone call. Together with our trained customer service consultants you discuss your work situation and the issue that has lead you to us. Based on this we consult you on our products and introduce you to colleagues that are best suited to your questions and concerns. Thanks to the diversity of our team we are able to cater to your personal and work-related needs right from the start.



Questions to prepare you

In order to make the most of your day with us, we send you a questionnaire and online tests in advance. This groundwork serves two purposes. Firstly, it gives you the opportunity to crystalize your concern and prepare yourself mentally for the day reserved specially for this issue. Secondly, your consultant can begin analyzing your potential so they can utilize the time with you in person for personalized modules.

In personal conversation

Thanks to your pre-filled questionnaire, your day with us won’t feel like you’re being thrown in at the deep-end, but more like a continuation. In personal conversations your consultant will touch on the issues that you have set for the day and take a comprehensive look at your life and work situation. An atmosphere of trust when having this conversation is very important to us. For this reason we place a lot of importance on the protection of your privacy and our discretion.



Well-founded diagnostics

In addition to structured, in-depth interviews we employ a number of suitability diagnostic tests and personality-based psychological tasks. From a pool of modules we select those that correspond to your particular issue. They help us find out what it is that sets you apart, what drives you, what your talents are, your potential and what values influence your actions. Beyond that we examine thought and communication patterns and dedicate ourselves to learning about how you deal with stress and change.

Our one-on-one principle

Two pairs of eyes see better than one. That is why at Struss & Claussen your consultant discusses your personality profile and your potential profile with another colleague. In doing so, your consultant is sure to factor in all possible perspectives and find the best options and strategies for you. You can rely on our colleagues to handle all information we receive from you with responsibility and care.



The results

In the afternoon your consultant presents you with the results. We recommend you invite partners or close friends to this final conversation. Based on the findings collected over the course of the day, your consultant will give you concrete recommendations. These recommendations relate to the conditions and content of future positions as well as things you can work on outside of work. Together, we set goals and discuss next steps. The final presentation usually takes around one and a half to two hours.

Further reading and follow-up

At the end of the day you receive all the results, recommendations and additional information in the form of documentation. Intended as a reminder, it is prepared in such a way that you can understand all the results and conclusions easily and if needed, delve more deeply into explanations. Once you’ve had a chance to process the day’s impressions, you can use the documentation as a working foundation to get you started.



Sharing ideas

The consultation is often the starting point in a process of change that isn’t necessarily over in 24 hours. For this reason we continue to accompany you afterwards. As an integral part of your consultation you receive a one-hour follow-up coaching session. This coaching unit offers you the opportunity to share experiences and consolidate findings. To make the most of the impetus set by your consultation, we recommend you take up your coaching appointment within the first three months after your visit.


Career counseling for professionals

Prices incl. tax

Including 1
hour of follow-up

Consulting for young professionals with a Senior Consultant from the Struss & Claussen Team

€ 2,000

Add-on: Consultation with a  CoachPartner

+ € 300 / + € 700

Optional: Follow-up coaching, hourly, with a Senior Consultant / Coach / Partner

€ 200 / € 230 / € 270 

Consulting for professionals with a Coach

€ 2,300

Add-on: Consultation with a Partner

+ € 400

Optional: Follow-up coaching, hourly, with a Coach / Partner

€ 230 € / € 270 

The colleagues from the Struss & Claussen team provide advice to different extents: Our Consultants focus on advice for school and university students, als well as graduates. Senior Consultants are also dedicated to young professionals. Our Coaches are contact persons for young adults as well as for clients with professional experience. In addition, they advise specialists and executives for corporate clients and conduct workshops. Our Partners cover the entire range of services from entry-level consulting to consulting for board and management members. Our prices are daily rates and are based on the consulting scope of the respective colleagues.

A one-hour follow-up coaching session is included in the price. We help you clarify any open questions, plan next steps and implement our recommendations. Contact us any time within three months after your consultation to make an appointment for a follow-up coaching session – at no further cost. Should you wish us to continue to accompany you in questions of personal development beyond the follow-up coaching, we will be happy to offer you our coaching services on an hourly basis.

For existing clients we can build on established knowledge. For this reason, for any follow-up consultation – such as negotiation coaching – you receive a discount of 20%. The discount is personal and non-transferable. It only applies to follow-up consultations and not to other services such as training or coaching. 

Book a free initial consultation now!

“Paths come to exist because we walk them.”

— Franz Kafka


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Come to us and you will be met with consultants who – through analytical reasoning and knowledge of human nature – are committed to helping.

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